1998: Started to learn the craft
2002: Certificate of apprenticeship (Gilded leather/Gyllenlærmaker) 2002
2017: Started sewing bags, bought Singer 1957 model and Shoemaker Machine 1904 model
2018: Bought Pfaff Industrial machine 2018 model
2022: 02.05.2022 Started Gyrid Helene Sandtorp Håndverk
Friedheim, demonstration and exhibition
2006: Fredrikstad Kunstforening, Tøihuset i Gamlebyen Fredrikstad, exhibition
2007: Akershus festning, Oslo, exhibition
2017: Rådhusgalleriet, City Hall in Oslo, exhibition
2020: Husflidslag, Stokke, lecture
2020: Husflidslag, Tønsberg, lecture
2022: Husflidslag, Halden, lecture
2022: Vossamarknaden 24. til 26. juni
2022: Gjesteutstilling Larvik , Det Kreative Hjørnet!
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